URG is a strong supporter of marine conservation, as such we are making our members aware of the recent creation of "Shark Champions", a new joint venture between Humane Society International and the Australian Marine Conservation Society. Shark Champions is a group we could consider supporting through possible volunteering or organisation-to-organisation networking opportunities. The information below is from their website. HSI and AMCS
Humane Society International and the Australian Marine Conservation Society are two of the most effective organisations working on shark and ray protection in Australia. Our collective achievements include multiple threatened listings for species of sharks, new and increased marine protected areas for shark habitat and the reduction in shark control programs in Australia. We mobilise our hundreds of thousands of supporters to get adequate policy change for sharks under Australia’s environment laws and even in the courts when required.
The campaign
HSI and AMCS are joining forces to create a powerful collective of Shark Champions to turn the tide around for sharks in Australia. Sharks are vitally important species for Australia’s ocean ecosystems, but current policies are letting them down in fisheries, at our beaches and throughout our oceans. Shark Champions is a hub for all Australians who love our wildlife to take direct actions and achieve policy changes and conservation outcomes for sharks and rays. We also acknowledge the work of all the other groups who work on shark conservation in Australia. The five organisations below are Shark Champions in their own right, and have done great work to help protect sharks and our oceans. If you like more information, please visit the Shark Champions Website.