The URG is a non-commercial SCUBA Diving Club comprising people from all walks of life who share an interest in and a commitment to the underwater world. Its aim is to further all aspects of underwater exploration, research, safety, photography and sport. Our members are interested in a large range of underwater activities, including marine biology, exploration of wrecks, underwater photography and underwater conservation, but we all share one thing in common – a desire to get wet and have fun under the ocean.
The benefits to members of the URG Dive club are many and varied, but most revolve around diving and divers, with the boat going out regularly to sites club members want to dive. Mid-week dives can also be organised by club members.
We are based in Sydney and have our own towing vehicle and 7.3 m dive boat. In addition to regular Sydney diving, we organise trips away, up and down the coast.
The dive sites we visit vary, covering a wide range of underwater habitats, providing our members with an assortment of marine-scapes and life to observe and appreciate.
We have regular club meetings and throughout the year organise guest speakers to talk to members. Meetings with guest speakers are held at the The Oaks Hotel in Neutral Bay.
We can supply dive buddies of all ages, and cater to all levels of experience You must be a member to be able to dive from the boat.
The Underwater Research Group started as early as 1953. It really got moving in 1958 and was incorporated in 1959. Over the years the URG has had many illustrious members. Neville Coleman, the writer and photographer of Australian marine life was a very active member in the early days and contributed a regular "Conchological Corner" for our monthly magazine.
Steve Parish, the well-known wildlife photographer was also a member as were Dr. Carl Edmonds, the renowned Underwater Medical Practitioner, and Fran and Les Graham of Terrigal Diving School who taught many members to dive. One less familiar name is Walt Deas, who, in those early days, was winning international photo competitions, and who now makes films with David Attenborough and the ABC and BBC.
Historically, the club divers did a lot of research, with some of the projects including:
Diving on the peak off Maroubra
Surveying Shiprock at Lilli Pilli with divers in the water around the clock for 10 hours monitoring temperature and soft corals
Tagging and transplanting abalone
Fixing a transmitter to a Port Jackson shark – it travelled 50 yards in a week!
Prospecting for gold in mountain streams on SCUBA
Surveys of reef area surrounding Bare Island
Surveys of Fish Rock in preparation for Marine Reserve submission
Recent research includes:
Grey Nurse Shark Research
Balmoral Net Marine Growth Monitoring
Coast Care Biodiversity study of Port Hacking
North Harbour Aquatic Reserve (NHAR) – Biodiversity & Caulerpa Study
Debris Surveys
Crayweed Regeneration Project
South West Arm Archaeological Survey
Reef Life Surveys
You do not need to be a scientist to be a member of the club. Members are welcome to participate in the research dives if they would like to or members are welcome to dive just for pure enjoyment.
Although the club is no longer involved with assisting the Australian Museum and some of the Universities in Sydney with research, we still have an interest in this area and are pursuing a range of research opportunities.
As an environmentally aware group, the URG seeks to promote conservation through submissions to appropriate Government Organisations, regarding environmental issues, support for marine conservation issues and by promoting environmentally responsible diving practices amongst divers.
We currently participate in Clean-up Australia Day each March and have recently completed marine debris survey dives. Read more about Underwater Volunteers NSW Marine Debris Protocol that we use.
Historically we have worked with The Australian Marine Conservation Society, Sydney Aquatic Cleaners Klub (SACK) and NSW Waterways Authority, to clean up a number of Sydney Harbour beaches. In 1997, we road-tested the Protected Species Survey for The NSW Department of Fisheries, which involved a trek up the north coast.
The Club holds its general meetings monthly at The Oaks Hotel in Neutral. Throughout the year the club arranges guest speakers to give a presentation to the members. Guest speakers are selected according to their relevance to the diving, social and conservation issues relevant to the club.
Past speakers have included Clarrie Lawler, (past president), Neville Coleman, Shark Researchers, Police Divers, Technical Divers, Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme, Jamie Allen from Dive Respect Protect, as well as current members displaying photographic skills after URG trips away. The Annual General Meeting, in September each year.
The Club boat is a CAPECAT 7.3 metre catamaran, fibreglass hull vessel, capable of carrying eight+ divers and double dive tanks plus a non-diving skipper & crew.

APECATS boats were built in Tasmania, CAPECATs are safe and solid boats designed as working boats for Bass Straight sea conditions.
Boat is fast and very stable.
The boat is very wide and provides a large an un-obstructed deck area allowing very comfortable gearing up.
The boat provides generous space at the forward deck while at anchor for 'chilling'.
There's plenty of dry storage space inside the cabin.
Boat is powered by two Yamaha 140 Hp outboard motors.
Boat is equiped with 2 x 150 litres tanks - giving the boat significant range.
The boat is moored in St George Motorboat Club, next to the Marine Rescue boat.
The boat is equipped with a new state of the art LOWRANCE HOOK 2 Series GPS/Sonar/Chart-Mapper. The sonar is three sonars in one providing: traditional Sonar, Structure Scan (side scans of reefs or wrecks) and high resolution Downscan sonar.
Diver entry is via the stern platform through the Giant Leap technique (or easing diver in water and gearing in the water if preferred).
Diver recovery is via the single 'open sides' ladder (allowing climbing on board with fins on).
For divers convenience and enhanced safety, we carry on board:
mermaid line for current conditions;
deco line and;
Carolina rig (submerged line from stern to anchor line) - assisting transiting and underwater navigation from entry point to anchor line.
We carry on board the following safety equipment:
First aid kit
Oxygen bottle
DAN Oxygen Provider equipment
Flares – hand held red flares and hand-held smoke flares.
Fire extinguisher
Marine Radio
Life jackets
Blast horn
Members can book onto a dive by contacting the convenor for that dive, as listed in the dive schedule. The schedule is on the URG website and current schedules are included in the monthly bulletin. If there is no convenor listed, then contact either the Dive Co-ordinator, who is responsible for the dive schedule, or the Club President.
As well as regular Sydney dives scheduled, there are a number of different social activities held through the year. These include:
Dinners and Family picnic days which often includes a shore dive
Trips away, within NSW and also overseas.
The social events are published in the bulletin, and are also in the dive schedule.
The Club has its own web site www.urgdiveclub.org.au. The site contains information about the club, contacts for committee members, dive schedule, photos taken by club members and the current and past bulletins.
The URG has a number of sites that its members visit regularly, as well as others that we dive if conditions are right.
The Colours – This is a site consisting of a multitude of sponges growing on a reef that comes up from 30 metres in a series of steps to 20 metres. There are usually lots of fish here, including Bleeker’s Blue Devil Fish and weedy sea dragons. Nudibranchs and sea-stars are common.
North Head – Old Man’s Hat – Many people only dive this site when there is no other safe to dive. This gives other divers that it is a site of last resort. This is not true. It is an excellent dive site but usually when the seas are good, people want to dive sites that are only accessible in good conditions. North Head contains the remains of many wrecks, and almost every dive here can be a wreck dive if you keep your eyes open for remains such as the old admiralty anchors that wait to be found. Weedy sea dragons, octopus, cuttle fish, sea stars, wobbegongs, rock cale, morwong, groper, old wives, bullseyes, various nudibranchs, sea spiders and cowries are some of the creatures that wait to be seen on a dive here.
Beccy’s Boulders – As the name suggests there are lots of large rocks at this site. Where we dive the bottom forms a gully that drops from about 5 metres to 30 metres. Lots of fish, sponges, sea tulips, nudibranchs and other marine life.
Barron’s Hut Cave – This site, off Royal National Park in Sydney’s south, is at the edge of a flat reef. The reef drops from 18 metres down to 28 metres and is slightly undercut. At the base of the undercut, there is a cave. You swim into the cave for four metres then up a crevice that takes you back to the top of the reef Nudibranchs, Bleeker’s Blue Devil Fish, weedy sea dragons, red morwong, rock cale, blue groper, sea whips, and octopus are common marine animals seen here.
Dee Why Wide – This a site composed of lots of large to very large boulders on a rock bottom. The boulders form some swim throughs and provide nooks and crannies for fish and other sea life. There is a reasonable amount of growth on the deeper rocks, including sponges, sea tulips and other sessile. Lots of fish are usually present, including the occasional wobbegong.
Articles for publication in the eBulletin (dive reports, conservation issues, etc) should be sent to the Editor before the end of the month. Our Editor can utilise e-mail attachments in most major word-processing formats.
URG sends a monthly electronic Bulletin via email to members. A collection of old Bulletins can be found on the Bulletins Archive on URG website.
The Committee consists of members who are elected at the Annual General Meeting of The Underwater Research Group of NSW, in September each year. The current list of persons holding these offices are listed on the website and in the Bulletin, along with contact details.
2.1.1 President
The role of the President of URG is :
To act as Chairperson at Committee, Special and Annual General Meetings.
To see to it that proceedings are carried out in a proper manner.
To ensure correct functioning of any sub-committee appointed.
To ensure the successful functioning of the URG pursuant of its objectives.
To maintain continuity and when necessary to improve the URG policies and procedures.
2.1.2 Vice President
The role of the vice president is to:
To act as Chairperson in the absence of the President.
To assist the President on the procedural functions.
2.1.3 Treasurer
The role of the treasure is:
To handle and record all financial transactions.
To present the financial report at each Committee Meeting.
To advise the Committee on all financial matters.
To present a balance sheet at the Annual General Meeting.
2.1.4 Secretary
The role of the secretary is:
The secretary of the association must, as soon as practicable after being appointed
as secretary, lodge notice with the association of his or her address. -
It is the duty of the secretary to keep minutes (whether in written or electronic form)of:
(a) all appointments of office-bearers and members of the committee,
(b) the names of members of the committee present at a committee meeting or a general meeting, and
(c) all proceedings at committee meetings and general meetings. -
Minutes of proceeding at a meeting must be accepted by the chairperson of the or by the chairperson of the next succeeding meeting.
2.1.5 Committee Members
Committee members assist with the decision making and running of the club. Committee members attempt to liaise as much as possible with the wider membership of the club, to communicate the club’s direction and plans. Many of the committee members fulfill roles as officers of the club, as described in the next section.
2.1.6 Officers of the Club
Officers of the Club are often, but not necessarily Committee Members. All members are encouraged to apply for positions in any area that interests them or for which they have expertise. The positions are:
Dive Officer
Schedule Sydney dives and trips away.
Distribute dive schedule to members via website, email and bulletin.
Equipment Officer
Maintain URG assets including the boat and safety equipment.
Maintain a list of items for repair and/or action to present to the Committee.
Organise working bees.
Membership Officer
Handle queries from interested persons via URG email or telephone.
Maintain a listing of current and past members.
Liaise with the Treasurer to ensure membership fees are received.
Ensure new members receive a welcome package, are acknowledged in the Bulletin and that they receive URG communications.
History Officer
Research and record history of the URG from inception to date.
Provide history reports for publication in the URG Bulletin and website.
Research Officer
Investigate and organise research projects.
Liaise with the Committee and members on projects.
Provide reports for publication in the URG bulletin and website.
Safety Officer
Ensure the URG operates under relevant safety guidelines including the URG Health and Safety Framework Policy.
Organise safety training for members.
Provide reports and updates for publication in the URG bulletin and website.
Merchandise Officer
Maintain URG merchandise for sale.
Investigate new items for sale.
Liaise with Treasurer on sales.
Website Administrator
Maintain the URG Website
Guest Speaker Officer
Arrange special guest speakers for Special and Annual General Meetings.
Prepare a short biosketch of the speaker for publication in the URG Bulletin prior to presentation.
Confirm equipment needed by the speaker and liaise with the Secretary.
To be responsible for a ‘thank you’ letter to the guest speaker.
Meet at least half an hour prior to the allocated dive time on the schedule.
Read and sign off on diver statement for day of diving.
Set up 1 tank with gear and put on the boat. Hand 2nd tank (if doing 2 dives) and all other gear required (fins, mask, snorkel, weight belt etc), and other personal items onto the boat.
Kit up in your wetsuit booties etc (this will depend on how far the dive site is away). This is entirely up to you when you kit up into wetsuit.
Boat will be launched and then you get on from jetty and head out to dive site.
There are 3 ways to enter the water from the boat:
Step off from back platform where ladders are: This requires that you kit up then step over the back of the boat onto the platform, put fins on and then do a giant stride.
Put tank, with attached INFLATED BCD into the water. Secure to a gear line that is attached to the boat gunnel. Enter the water via the back platform with all other gear on. Put tank on your back in the water.
Reverse the procedure on exit. Always inflate BCD on the surface when it is attached to the gear line. Pull tank back onto the boat before leaving the dive site.
4. Disclaimer
Please ensure that you read the disclaimer before signing up as a member so that you understand your responsibilities.