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The URG dive club was formed in September 1953 and boasts a significant history, particularly in the area of underwater research. The club was growing steadily by 1958 and it was incorporated in 1959. Over the years, the URG has had many illustrious members. Neville Coleman the writer and photographer of Australian marine life was a very active member in the early days and contributed a regular “Conchological Corner” to the Bulletin. Steve Parish, the well known wildlife photographer was also a member as were Dr. Carl Edmonds, the renowned Underwater Medical Practitioner, and Les Graham, of Terrigal Diving School, who taught many members to dive. 

Underwater Research Group of NSW. Come dive with us

Historically, the club has completed many research projects including:


  • Fish Identification surveys with UVNSW

  • Marine Debris surveys with UVNSW

  • Reef Life Survey training.

  • Caulerpa (invasive species) surveys.

  • Surveying Shiprock at Lilli Pilli with divers in the water around the clock for 10 hours monitoring temperature and soft corals.

  • Tagging and transplanting abalone.

  • Fixing a transmitter to a Port Jackson shark! It travelled 50 metres in a week!

  • Prospecting for gold in mountain streams on SCUBA.

  • Surveys of reef area surrounding Bare Island.

  • Surveys of Fish Rock in preparation for Marine Reserve submission.

  • Completed a year long bio-diversity study in Port Hacking.


The "Bulletin" is the name affectionately given to the club's monthly newsletter to members. It has been published regularly almost since the clubs inception back in the late 1950's and encapsulates its history.



©2024 Underwater Research Group of NSW

All photos on this website, unless credited otherwise, are by John Turnbull


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